07/08/2025 ~ 10/08/2025

Airborne water jump exercise and International wings exchange event with JM teams from several nations.




The OPERATION SEA EAGLE is an advanced military parachute jump exercise. The aim of this exercise is to familiarize our members with the parachute jump methods, techniques and tactics used in airborne water jump* operations by the NATO Airborne and Special Operation Forces. The exercise is modeled after Special Operations training programs to give our members an opportunity to improve proficiency in water landings. Water jumps are an important aspect to military parachuting training as they validate the safety training and procedures of jumping in an environment where water is present. You will receive the pre-jump training briefing and the wet silk training in accordance to military standards by highly qualified airborne instructors and jump masters - with years of verifiable real-world experience - coming from NATO and friend countries' Airborne Forces. You will learn the advanced static line parachuting techniques to improve your airborne knowledge and skills. During the exercise, you will practice swimming underwater as part of deliberate water airborne operation familiarization training before performing your intentional water jump into the Baltic Sea, with current operational military round canopy parachute systems. To promote the airborne brotherhood and the comradeship among soldiers of different nations, and to give you the exciting opportunity to earn a set of foreign jump wings, we have also invited several jumpmaster teams.

PAY ATTENTION: This exercise is open only to our airborne qualified members in jump status (who have jumped with a round military parachute recently and in any case no more than 12 months ago). Members not in jump status as well as members who are not yet airborne qualified have to contact us for details.

* Water jumps are preplanned parachute jumps into an open body of water more than 1.5 m in depth. A water jump can be an enjoyable experience provided normal procedures and a few additional precautions are employed. Physical injuries and drownings are almost unknown on preplanned and intentional water landings. The potential however always exists for an unintentional water landing due to spotting error and/or radical wind changes.



Once you have performed the required jumps, you will be awarded with the European Wings (Static Line Military Round Canopy Parachutist Qualification Diplom, Badge and International Certificate of Parachuting Proficiency) issued by the European Paratroopers Airborne School.


Foreign airborne wings may be awarded to military personnel. Jumpmasters from many nations will join to award their national airborne wings. See Paragraph 5 (AWARDS & WINGS EXCHANGE) of IMPORTANT INFORMATION. During our jump events, some of the Airborne Wings listed below maybe awarded:

Important Information

Weight6583307870 kg

The Operation Sea Eagle (OSE) fee will cover the cost of your military parachuting pre-jump training, Wet Silk Training and airborne operations, it will also pay for your Sea Eagle Jump Certificate. Find out what’s included below:

- Four (4) days of advanced military parachute jump exercise culminating with a deliberate water jump into an open body of water.

- One (1) day Pre-Jump Training and Wet Silk Training (in this training, the Paratroopers swim underwater. This exercise is part of deliberate water airborne operation familiarization training before performe the jump at sea.)

- One (1) SL parachute Deliberate Water Jump with current operational military round canopy parachute systems. Including Jump ticket, main and reserve parachutes rental, washing, drying and packing (after each water jump main and reserve parachutes need to be washed and dried within 24 hours prior to repacking), ISO/CE approved Personal Flotation Device (or Military approved Inflatable Life Preserver) rental, jump helmet rental, DZ safety and rescue boats, transfer (DZ to Airfield), video filming of your exits from aircraft and activity fees.

- Highly qualified Airborne Instructors and Jump Masters - with a long experience in the military parachuting field - coming from NATO and friend countries' Airborne Forces, who care about fellow paratroopers training and share with them their in-depth knowledge, skills and experience.

- Assistant Airborne Instructors and Drop Zone Safety Team providing constant assistance to the jumpers during the whole jump operations.

- European Paratroopers-Airborne School Sea Eagle Jump Certificate and badge.


You will need to cover the cost of your accommodation, food and transfers additionally on top of the course fee, as well as the costs of National Airborne Wings awards, in case you wish to get one. Here’s the list of what isn’t included:

- Your accommodation is not included. You will need to arrange this separately. European Paratroopers has accommodation providers in Rapla, and can help with this, or alternatively you can choose where you want to stay overnight in the surrounding area.

- There will be no food provision for this course. You will need to budget for this on top of the course fees. Rapla has a few of eateries.

- You will need to commute on your own to the the training venue/airfield. This may be from your accommodation in Rapla or in the surrounding area. Rapla has taxi transport and the option to Uber (or Bolt) anywhere.

- National Airborne Wings awards are not included. You will need to arrange this separately. You can choose from different foreign airborne wings awarded by the host Unit’s responsible Training Officers. See Paragraph 5 (AWARDS & WINGS EXCHANGE).


To perform parachute jumps at the European Paratroopers Airborne School you must have and bring with you valid copies of the following documents:

It must be an Aviation Class 2 medical certificate (you need to pass the health test to ensure that you are fit for parachuting). Your Doctor may use our F-01 (EPA) PARACHUTING MEDICAL DECLARATION.

It must be a Third-party liability insurance for parachuting with €1.600.000 minimum coverage (which financially protects you if you're considered responsible for damages or injury to another person or their property).

Please note: We strongly recommends to take out also a personal travel and accident insurance that cover parachuting (insurance should include medical fees and medical repatriation cover to your country of residence in the event of a serious parachuting injury or any medical emergency).

Aviation Class 2 medical certificate and Third-party liability insurance for parachuting certificate are MANDATORY documents! Without those documents you will not be allowed to join the training and perform the jumps! This will result in your exclusion from the event and you will NOT receive a refund on your tuition!


In order to attend the training and the jumps you will need to have your own personal equipment:

• HEADDRESS. Your service headdress or a sterile headdress (No mix or match - No vintage or civilian).
• HELMET. Your service jump helmet or a sterile jump helmet (No airsoft, vintage or skydiving helmets)
• UNIFORM. Your service uniform or a sterile uniform/jumpsuit (No mix or match - No vintage or civilian).
• FOOTWEAR. Your service jump boots or a pair of modern jump boots (No desert, jungle or soft boots).

Jump Helmet (standard headgear for paratroopers - featuring 4-point "Head-lock" retention system and chincup to ensures secure fit on head and to increases head protection during the parachute jump) and Jump Boots (standard footgear for paratroopers - featuring calf-length lacing, rigid ankle support and toe caps to ensures secure fit and to increases feet protection during the parachute jump) are MANDATORY equipment! Without them you will not be allowed to join the training and perform the jumps! This will result in your exclusion from the event and you will NOT receive a refund on your tuition!


According to the host unit’s regulations and after have performed the required jumps, qualified military parachutists may be awarded, as true wings exchange, with different Foreign Airborne Wings (badges and certificates) by the host Unit’s responsible Training Officers. Instructors and Jumpmaster from different nations join our events in order to award their national airborne wings. Parachutist badges from many nations are usually awarded during our jump events. The parachutist who has been awarded foreign airborne wings is authorized to wear it, if his National Military Authority allows him to do so.

Please note that National Airborne Wings awards are charged separately, see Paragraph 6, Section 6.4 (EXTRA JUMPS & WINGS).


Extra parachute descents as well as national airborne wings award are possible and are charged separately:

6.1 NON-TACTICAL (SL) JUMP: €105 (With current military round canopy parachute system).
6.2 NON-TACTICAL (FF) JUMP: €95 (With current military advanced ram-air parachute system).
6.3 TACTICAL JUMP: €195 (With current paratrooper's individual equipment and weapon (dummy gun).
6.4 NATIONAL AIRBORNE WINGS: €160 (badge and certificate).


The “jump ship” aircrafts and the jump equipment used during our parachute jump activities are:

FIXED-WING AIRCRAFTS: Antonov AN-2 (NATO code name “Colt”), Pilatus Porter PC-6.
ROTARY-WING AIRCRAFTS: Mil Mi-8 (NATO code name “Hip”).
MAIN PARACHUTES: MC1-1D, T-10D, D-1-5U, D-5/6.


ATTENTION: Please read carefully the information listed below!


In order to perform your parachute jump with the European Paratroopers Airborne School ASD you are required to attend training and pass examination.
a. If you are a beginner in military round canopy parachuting you are required to attend the Basic Airborne Course (BAC) and pass the practical and written examination.
b. If you are a square canopy parachute jumper or a skydiver you need to follow the complete BAC as well, because of the differences in procedures and equipment.
a. If you are a fully trained paratrooper or a qualified (military round canopy) parachutist in Jump Status (have performed military round canopy parachute jump within the last 12 months) you are required to attend the Pre-Jump Training Briefing (free of charge) on Day-1 of the PJE. Please note that if it has been longer than 6 months since you jumped with a military round canopy parachute for the last time you will need to pass the Harness Test (at the extra cost of €155) on Day-1 of the PJE.
b. If you are a fully trained paratrooper or a qualified (military round canopy) parachutist but you are NOT in Jump Status and it has been longer than 12 months since you jumped with a military round canopy parachute for the last time, you are required to attend the Compressed Refresher Course (at the extra cost of €255) on Day-2 of the first BAC listed and pass the practical and written examination.
c. If it has been longer than 24 months since you jumped with a military round canopy parachute for the last time, you are required to attend the Basic Refresher Course attached to the first BAC listed.


Parachuting is a dangerous activity and safety is our main concern. We check weather forecast 24 hours prior the scheduled jumping day and because weather is very changeable we constantly monitor it to ensure you a most safe jump. We will not jump if weather conditions make your parachute jump unsafe.


In parachuting activity there are inherent risks that require careful training and execution, and propr personal equipment (Jump Helmet and Jump Boots). Failure to follow training and execution or to wear the propr personal equipment can lead to serious injury or death. Students/Jumpers who fail the training and execution or who came without the propr personal equipment will not be allowed to jump for the safety of themselves as well as of all jumpers. Students/Jumpers who exhibit unsafe behaviour or fail to the safety regulations will be warned, and then removed from class if they continue the unsafe behaviour.


Students/Jumpers must be in good health and fully insured in order to take part in parachuting activity. They must present proof of valid Medical (Aviation Class 2) Certificate and Tthird-Party Liability (for parachuting) Insurance coverage. Students/Jumpers who came without the propr medical certificate and/or insurance coverage will not be allowed to jump for the safety of themselves as well as of all jumpers.


European Paratroopers Association/European Paratroopers Airborne School ASD can’t assume responsibility, and shall not be held liable, for any changes to the scheduled activities caused by the host County/Organization, or any natural or supernatural force, beyond the control of the European Paratroopers Association/European Paratroopers Airborne School ASD. If it will not be possible to execute the scheduled activities for any reason, caused by the host County/Organization or due to any natural or supernatural force, the European Paratroopers Association/European Paratroopers Airborne School ASD will NOT refund the event costs (Fees paid are non-refundable).


a. At all time shall participants follow the lawful directives of the european paratroopers association staff and the host country's military and civilian personnel, regardless of rank, sex, or ethnic origin. Any action by the participant which is contrary to any law, ordinance, or common civilized behavior, including the interference with operational aspects (i.e. Becoming an officious intermiddler) or hindering other participants in their enjoyment of the event, will result in the individual's immediate exclusion from further group activities. Any cost incurred from such exclusion shall be the responsibility of the participant. The european paratroopers association shall be the final judge in any disputes regarding exclusion from group activities.

b. Decision to stop the jump activity, to forbidden students/jumpers to jump or to remove them from class is at solely instructor discretion. Students/Jumpers forbidden to jump or removed from class will NOT receive a refund on their tuition.


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